We all know that we are not in the safest country, especially for girls carrying handbag and walking on the street. We see these cases almost everyday in the papers and I myself have seen a snatch case that happen a few years back in Telawi, very near the pondok police! Those f*** up people did this in broad day light and rode away happily! Urghhhhh!!!.
Marie Claire had this great "Reclaim Our Streets" event to create more awareness on how to prevent and stop this immoral act!
The event was held at M Store Gardens. We saw all familiar faces. :)
Sally + Stephanie Chai + Deborah Henry + I
Yes.. I am signing the petition!!!
Marie Claire Editor, Mindy Teh. We first met at gallo by thian, BSC. She has been very supportive towards local brands like us. Thanks Mindy!!!
Deborah was the emcee.
Mindy giving a short but strong speech :)
Supporting the event!
After the event, we went up to our store to kill some time.
Drinking the invincible tea.. Hahaha
Ms Bunny + I
Jumpsuit - gallo by thian
Hair pin - bangkok
Heels - Zara
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